
Aug 07


Disinformation Risk Assessment: The Online News Market in Senegal



Aug 07




Disinformation Risk Assessment: The Online News Market in Senegal

Table of Contents

The following report presents the findings pertaining to disinformation risks for the media market in Senegal, based on a study of 20 news domains. These findings are the result of research led by the Glohal DIsinformation Index (GDI) with Paradigm Initiative from July through December of 2023. All sites included in the study were informed of their individual scores and risk ratings to allow for engagement, feedback and improvement. The goal of this report is to present an overview of the media market as a whole and its strengths and vulnerabilities. Individual site ratings contribute to GDI’s various aggregate data products and, in most cases, are not released publicly to avoid naming and shaming media outlets facing high levels of risk.

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