
Aug 24





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Request for proposals (RFP) for Gamification of a digital rights toolkit

Paradigm Initiative (PIN), a social enterprise advocating for digital rights in Africa, requires a technical proposal and cost quotation from qualified individuals or agencies to create novel games for incorporation in its digital security toolkit. The primary objective of these games (puzzles, augmented reality games, quizzes, etc) is to promote game-based learning approaches revolving around digital safety. The games shall be web-based owing to the online version of the toolkit, with integration for the offline publication, that will have a description with links pointing to the safe online repository where toolkit users can play the toolkit games. Work to be performed includes the conceptualisation and development of games, puzzles, quizzes and other gaming experiences around identified digital security themes.

Projected Timeline

  • Issue Date: August 24, 2020
  • Submit Questions by: September 4, 2020
  • Response Deadline: September 11, 2020
  • Expected Award: September 18, 2020
  • Expected delivery: October 30, 2020


  • Experienced software developer (preferably with a bias for gamification)
  • Specialised knowledge of digital rights and Internet governance is a strong asset
  • Sensitivity to context and the target audience
  • Adaptability and flexibility required to work under pressure and to meet short deadlines

Financial proposal

The financial proposal should cover the full contracting period and propose a standard fee per deliverable (as it shall be agreed by PIN).

Submission Requirements

PIN requests interested individuals or agencies to provide the following:

  1. Capability Statement: Not to exceed a three-page narrative on the individual’s or agency’s  capabilities to perform the scope of work indicating past experience in gamification and web based game development.
  2. Timeline: PIN anticipates contracting the awardee by September 18, 2020, and anticipates that the contract will last until October 30, 2020. The timeline will be finalized when the firm is selected.
  3. References: A minimum of three (3) client references worked with in the past two years on an activity that is similar to this Scope of Work. Include the contact information (names, company or organization, phone number and email).
  4. Staffing: (Where applicable) Names and CVs including their experience on this type of work.
  5. Cost Proposal: The cost proposal will be based on the scope of work indicated above. All expenses should be aggregated into fixed price amounts per deliverable.

Selection Criteria 

PIN is issuing this RFP requesting that each vendor provide us with a brief proposal. PIN intends to issue one or more fixed price agreements to the vendor whose proposal contains the combination of those criteria offering the best overall value. Evaluation factors are a total of 100 points, apportioned as noted in the following:

  • Technical qualifications 50 points
  • Past performance 20 point
  • Cost 30 points

Contract mechanism

PIN will issue fixed payment(s) based on submission and PIN’s acceptance of deliverables or measurable performance milestones. Once a purchase order is issued, it will include a fixed price payment schedule with deliverables/milestones specified in the Scope of Work. 

PIN may reject any or all offers, accept offers other than the lowest-price offer, and/or make multiple awards.

Terms and Conditions

Vendors are responsible for review of the terms and conditions described.

RFP Submission Procedure

Please submit proposals and portfolio information to by midnight on September 10, 2020. Any questions regarding this RFP should be directed to the above eMail address.

For more information about PIN, visit

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